A) 4.99 USD / Month

You will get...

① Monthly Japanese transcripts for all my Podcast episodes:)

* It has Furigana (Hiragana) above all Kanji, so you can read everything even if you don't know a lot of Kanji!
  • - 2 or 3 conversation episodes  (About 30-45 minutes each) / month
  • - 2 or 3 solo episodes / month    

② English translations for my solo episodes where I talk about LIFE lessons I learned / Japanese culture  / Japanese philosophy (Like ichigo ichie : Episode No 3)




First 7 days FREE 💓

B) 6.99 USD / Month

(Highly recommended)


In addition to (A) 

You will get...

Exclusive conversation videos that have useful expressions, useful words.


(You will effectively learn a wide range of vocabulary)






First 7 days FREE 💓

Sorry. SOLD OUT!!


(*You have to be higher than N4 level and be able to speak "IN JAPANESE")
 Only 20 people 

In addition to (A) + (B)

You will get...

A monthly private Zoom call (Morning / Night call)  

*Saturday or Sunday

where we can all connect and chat in Japanese / make friends / ask questions


*Important* We will be talking about different topics in Japanese. So this is only for people who can communicate well in Japanese / are willing to improve their speech & connect with others. (JLPT N4-N3 level)